kіttastrophe, 20
United States
It's complicated
About me:
Hihi! I’m kit! Like a kitten, but with a lot more trouble. I’m a bounty hunter, but don’t let that tough exterior fool you. I’ve got a soft spot for mischief and a weakness for anyone who knows how to handle a brat like me.

Here’s the scoop: I love to play dominant, strutting around and acting in charge. But let’s be honest, it usually backfires and I end up with my tail between my legs. And you know what? I love it! There’s something thrilling about being put in my place, especially when it means being your playful kitten for a while.

Picture me trying to take control~ maybe with a demanding look or sassy remark. But then, oh, whoops! I get flustered when you call me out. I can’t help but pout and whine, especially when you handle me perfectly. It’s a game, and every time I lose, it’s more fun.

When I’m not being a brat, I adore a good belly rub or cuddle session. There’s nothing like being treated like the good girl I am! Or at least being a brat while secretly hoping you’ll put me in my place.